Wishing you all a safe and relaxing festive season

At this time of year our thoughts are with our members who selflessly leave their families and friends to celebrate the season while they work to protect and serve the community.   It is a reality of the job that our members are rostered on public holidays and weekends.  We acknowledge and appreciate the families and friends who accept that reality and adapt celebrations and traditions to fit in with rosters.

For the families of the NZPFU elected officials and representatives that level of sacrifice is even greater as the response to union member’s needs take additional time and often impact on family time and precious days off.  We thank you for your dedication and commitment to representing the interests of the NZPFU membership focusing on their health, safety and wellbeing.   The work of the elected representatives is significant at station, Local and National level.  They spend many additional hours every week attending meetings, undertaking due diligence on individual issues and to prepare appropriately for working parties and numerous committees.  They receive countless calls, messages and emails in addition to their usual workloads.    In addition to the endless workplace issues that need resolving, this has been a year of cementing the gains of the bargaining settled this week 12 months ago. FENZ has dragged its feet and on a series of issues have been obstructive. We will inform members in more detail in the New Year of the issues still needing resolution and the various disputes and actions taken to get the job done.

We ask that where possible that contact with union officials and representatives is kept to urgent matters only over the next couple of weeks.  That will enable the union representatives to have uninterrupted time with family and friends.  It is important we all re-charge when we can and have the opportunity to spend dedicated time with loved ones over this festive period.

  • The NZPFU offices will be closed from today until Monday 8th January 2023.
  • Should you need urgent assistance please text me on 021 928 819 during that period and I will call you back.  Do not hesitate to get in contact if needed, but please consider whether the matter genuinely requires urgent action and before 8 January 2023. 

We hope that nature is considerate, recreational water spots are calm, public holiday travel is uneventful, and the community is in a chilled state of mind so that you all get a very happy, relaxing and safe festive season.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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