Maintaining MSM 

The Union is becoming increasingly concerned regarding the ability to maintain MSM, especially in the weekends.

This appears to be due to the extra leave entitlements from the recent collective agreement.

Members must keep in mind, (given that OT is voluntary) when duty officer’s txt or call for overtime, they are from time to time working extremely hard to maintain MSM and members should, if able, make themselves available to do some overtime.

The Union would hate to see pumps taken off the run because they can’t be staffed, this raises significant H&S concerns for our other members and reduced service to the public.

Conference remits

Remit One 

Moved D Bowker Seconded P Carline

"That a TEP option be written into the next CEA"


It is clear that conditions of employment for professional FF’s are not the same. This TEP issue as a professional Union of FF’s should be about ethics but it appears to be about corrupted practices. The Union must enable all members the right to access the TEP option.

Carried by Majority

Remit two

Moved G Johnstone Seconded S Hudson

"That the national union committee review as to when appointments are made for the position of National President, Vice President & Secretary so as not all 3 positions are filled with in the same year. The proposal would be that the 1 position would become vacant per year with term of office being 3years with right of re-election.


Currently these 3 positions are for the same length of time for term in office and are all elected at the same time. Should 1 or all 3 decide to resign or were elected out of those positions then it would put us in a very vulnerable position.

Carried Unanimously

Remit three

Moved C Campbell Seconded J Gray

That issues that pertain to Officers during CEA Negotiations or any other issue, be voted on by officers only.


There are many times when the Union negotiates on behalf of only the Officers, i.e. the Officer allowance and any future pay increase to differentiate officer and firefighter ranks, therefore, only the officers should be able to vote on this as they only make up 25% of the workforce and votes could be forced or lost on that basis.

Carried by majority

Station and Watch Reps

Members are advised that from the 2007 Wgtn Local AGM, it was decided to try and improve member involvement and communication by asking each watch to nominate a person who can receive Union information and run discussions at a watch level on this information.

Therefore, can members please advise the Local Secretary, e mail, of their watch’s representatives ASAP.


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