Members should be aware that the next round of PCA practices and runs are due by next year. These are starting tomorrow in Wellington and it is timely to remind everyone of the approved and agreed process when undertaking the PCA.

Members will have to have completed a full practice run before they complete the PCA proper.

The process of having a practice run was and is very important to the Union, it familiarizes members with what is required and allows members to identify if any fitness or strengthening work is required before completing the PCA.

Watch Reps

Members are reminded to talk amongst your stations and watch’s to identify a point of contact for the Local Union.

This will allow a wider spread of information and discussion on Union and work related topics which will hopefully relate to greater feedback to the Local on Local issues.

Vegetation Fires

Members are reminded of the Local policy on vegetation fire response in Wgtn after labour weekend.

For a long time both fire districts had a two pump response to these types of calls, which recognized the value of early and strong response of paid FF’s. Last year management decided it didn’t think that was such a great idea and consequently reduced the turnouts to 1 pump.

It is the policy of this Local, that when responding to vegetation fires, make pumps two, this is especially important given the amount of very strong winds around and the huge amount of housing we have amongst the bush.

Members are asked not to hesitate in making up, because regional management has stated it is the OIC’s responsibility to make up if needed, A sure way to pass the buck and absolve themselves of any responsibility.

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Serious Concerns About State of Emergency Response Fleet

The Auckland Local has serious concerns about the current and ongoing state of the frontline fleet of fire trucks, rescue tenders, aerial ladder trucks and support vehicles throughout Auckland. 

Auckland Local EoY update

Please read to the end.


Members should be aware that District Manager Mackereth has unilaterally made the decision to remove the Hazmat Command Appliance from immediate response to confirmed structure fire incidents for incidents in Auckland City Central Fire District.