Members will be aware that recently a member was allowed to apply for a promotion without having met the minimum requirements for that promotion as described in Part 2 Clause 1 Progression of the Current Collective Agreement.
The Local disputed this with management and has received a reply from Regional Management that states that suitably qualified to apply in the first instance is the same as suitably qualified to be promoted.
Therefore, to save any confusion, for members to apply for promotion in the first instance, they must have attained all minimum requirements of the promotion i.e. for promotion to Station Officers rank member’s must have completed 5 years service, and passed all promotional examinations.
Members may be aware that some discussion has taken place between regional management and the Local regarding permanent manning in Paraparaumu. The Local can confirm that constructive discussions have taken place but is not in the position to expand as it is still very early days and the Local executive are waiting for something substantial in writing from regional management before it can be brought to members.
Members are reminded that the Wellington Local AGM will be held next week 16th August 2005 at Thorndon Fire Station at 1830hrs.