Section 66

Members are advised that at a recent meeting of the Local Executive, the subject of members being promoted by management’s use of Section 66 Fire Service Act.

A lot of work and investigation was undertaken by a sub committee.

It was agreed that there is no real need in Wellington, being a large brigade, with no shortage of officers, to have members promoted in this manner and that any shortfall in staffing should be covered by overtime by the occupational class where any short term vacancy may exist.

The Local therefore recommends to its members that they decline any invitation to be promoted using the Section 66 part of the Act.

If any member is approached by management to accept a promotion under section 66, members are advised to contact their Local representatives for further advice.

Days in Lieu

Members are further advised that the practice of agreeing or seeking time off in lieu (toil) or time worked in lieu (twil) for special projects and the like is not a contractual option.

It is a variation of the Collective Agreement and as such; Part 1-Clause 2- Variations states:

1.2.1  The parties acknowledge that it may be necessary to vary some aspects of this agreement during its term.
1.2.2  Any such variation must be in writing and signed by the Chief Executive on behalf of the NZFS Commission and the Secretary of the New Zealand Professional Fire fighters Union on behalf of the majority of members who will be directly affected by the variation…….

Members are advised that the Local has written to the Fire Region Manager/Commander asking that management cease this practice, or go about it the correct way.

Motion of Non Co-operation

Members are advised that at a recent meeting of the Local Executive a motion was moved and passed that stated the following:

“That should Mr Ron Devlin (CFO Tauranga/Kawerau) be appointed to any position within in any Wellington Fire District, this Local will have a policy of non co-operation with him.”

Most members will need no further explanation of this rationale.

Update on Correspondence

Members are advised of the following correspondence sent and issues the Local is currently dealing with.

Paraparaumu: Written 3 letters regarding OIA information and further ongoing follow up correspondence following replies received.  
Transfers:   Correspondence to Chief Fire Officer of Wellington District regarding directed transfers. Meeting on Thursday to discuss.
Seaview Stn:   Local written outlining Health and safety concerns regarding the station culminating in a statement of resistance to moving there.
Wgtn Aerials:   Correspondence to FRM re concerns at state of aerial fleet, asking what the minimum requirement is and concerns at lack of rescue capability.
Induction Course:   Correspondence with regards to new Officers being promised an induction course to assist in transition to officer rank and not having received it.
High Angle:   Correspondence outlining concerns at wgtn's practice of a one line rescue system and asking what steps will be in place to ensure members safety given industry standard practice and PDU pending promulgation of two line system.  
Interrupted Service:   Correspondence to  National Secretary asking that they clarify this Local's stance regarding interrupted service and promotion as they appear to be different.  

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