The Committee has resolved to withdraw all Strike Action at 0800 hours on Monday 26 March 2012.

The Resolution adopted by the Committee is as follows:

  • Given the resumption of negotiations on 27 March 2012; and
  • Given the revised position of Fire Service management regarding their Relieving Roster claim; and
  • Acting in good faith to best facilitate successful and meaningful negotiations ‐

The present Strike Action be ceased from 0800 hours on Monday 26th March 2012; and

That the Committee on or before Friday 13 April 2012 assess the state of negotiations in order to consider whether or not to reinstate the Strike Action whether in full or in part.

Negotiations will resume with Fire Service management on Tuesday 27 March 2012.

As the Resolution notes, the employer has given the Union’s representatives a revised Relieving Clause that does address some of the concerns; but it is fair to say there are still a significant number of issues to be worked through.

It is quite clear (and previous Newsletters and attached correspondence make it quite clear) that the employer is insistent on achieving changes to relieving/flexibility.

The Union’s negotiators’ approach is to achieve the best deal/arrangements possible to bring back for members’ consideration. In the end, the members must ratify any changes to the Collective Agreement.

As the Committee Resolution notes, the Committee believes, at this stage, that withdrawal of the industrial action is designed to give the best possible chance for the resumed negotiations to be as successful as possible.

However, as the Resolution also notes, the Committee will formally consider on or before 13 April whether the withdrawal of the strike action has achieved its purpose, and obviously the Committee can reinstate strike action again in the future.

Members will be updated on progress as soon as possible.

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