Union Finances

In response to the various rumours currently circulating about Union Finances, including rumours of misappropriation of Union funds, the Union Committee called a Special Conference on 11 June 2007 to fully brief Conference Delegates on the true situation. The Union’s lawyer was also present.

A detailed report was given to Conference Delegates that outlined key points:

  • The issue related to inappropriate use of the Union’s Credit Card, which was admitted by the person concerned, who indicated an intention to repay the money.
  • The potential net loss to the Union was $20,162.90.
  • Any suggestion that the Union’s finances were at any time put in jeopardy is untrue.
  • As a result of the National Committee’s actions, this amount was recovered from the individual concerned.
  • The person involved no longer holds any position within the Union.

Conference resolved: “That this Special Conference endorse the actions taken by the National Committee in respect of the handling of allegations of misuse of Union funds”.

It is apparent that the matter identified that the issue regarding process was not so much with the established processes themselves, although these have been tightened and will be constantly reviewed, but with the lack of procedure to deal with non-compliance with the established processes. This is being addressed as well.

The National Committee and the Conference fully recognize members’ concerns and interest in this matter. However, many of the rumours circulating have no basis in fact and are not correct. Members can be assured that Union finances are sound, that all money has been accounted for and measures are being taken to ensure that, as much as possible, a repeat cannot occur.

Local Secretaries, after the briefing given to them at the Special Conference, are in a position to clarify matters to members.

Collective Agreement - Ratification

In the previous Newsletter, members were advised of the Employment Court’s decision relating to the averaging methodology for the payment of Public Holidays as in the Total Weekly Wage.

This decision, as previously noted, has caused a significant hiccup in the intended Ratification Procedure.

Given the joint application to the Employment Court to protect the T.W.W. methodology, the Union and the employer are discussing possible wording changes to the Collective Agreement to allow the continuation of payment for Public Holidays within the T.W.W.

It is hoped that such an outcome will be able to be achieved shortly, and consequently ratification will be able to commence shortly.

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Please read to the end.