Troy Mahupuku

The appeal for funds to provide support and assistance for Troy and his family is still open but will close on Friday 1 November 2013. This provides you a last opportunity to demonstrate in a practical way your support for Troy and his family.

The Union thanks those persons who have contributed.
Bank Account details: 01-0542-0140032-03 (NZ Professional Firefighters Trust Fund)

Delay to Payment of Back Pay on Travel Time

As advised at the information meetings regarding the new Collective Agreement, changes were made to the Agreement relating to the payment of travel time, resulting from the move to a true hourly rate pay structure.

This means that travel time is no longer payable on weekends and statutory holidays, only whenemployed on relieving duties and where required to travel a greater distance than to their usual station.

As there is only one code for travel time in SMS, all travel time since 1 July 2013 has been entered against this code, whether it is travel time payable for relieving duties, or weekend travel time.

As a result a significant manual checking process is required to determine whether the travel time paid is still claimable under the new CEA.

This manual checking process will take a number of weeks to work through. As a result, back pay on travel time will not be paid with the rest of the back pay resulting from the ratification of the new CEA. It will be paid at a later date once eligibility of the claim under the new CEA has been verified.

All other back pay resulting from the ratification of the new CEA will be paid as scheduled in the pay day 30 October.

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Auckland Local EoY update

Please read to the end.


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