The NZPFU has two representatives involved in the design groups for Tranche 2 (Wellington Local Secretary Alan Collett) and Tranche 2B (Hamilton Local Secretary) of the new FENZ structure.

Our representatives have a wealth of experience, skills and knowledge in the areas they are involved in, and work in with our Unified Service Delivery group representatives (Southern Branch President Graeme (Norm) Gilroy, Auckland Local representative Mark Neville, Hamilton Local President Blair Kiely) to ensure we are not having discussions on proposals in isolation.

  • We have fought to be at the design tables to ensure that the groups are taking an evidenced-base approach, are being provided and consider the relevant research and practical realities of the work being changed or being considered, and the flow-on impacts any changes or new positions would have on other parts of the organisation.
  • Our involvement does not mean that the NZPFU is in full agreement with the proposals or draft designs.
  • This design process is not consultation with the union in accordance with the collective agreement.
  • There is much water still to go under the bridge and we will take any necessary action to protect the interests and jobs of our members.

Next week is another series of regional workshops where the draft designs of Tranche 2 and 2B will discussed.

Tranche 2B is the design of the new risk reduction function which was set up in March 2019. The Design Team have developed a draft design for risk reduction at national, regional and district level and this will be discussed with S/FRMOs at workshops being held in each region from 20-27 May 2019. The purpose of these workshops is to enable S/FRMOs to review the draft design, ask questions and provide feedback. This feedback will then be used by the Design Team to refine their design. This draft design will then form a proposal that FENZ has timetabled to be consulted on in July/August.

The current Tranche 2B proposal separates out risk reduction and fire investigation roles. We are very aware that S/FRMOs will be concerned about how their roles will change through this process and what it means for them personally.

Deputy Chief Executive Service Delivery and National Commander Kerry Gregory has confirmed to the NZPFU that as the current design is taking into account new functions and is refocusing the roles there is likely to be changes to the S/FROM roles but that his intention is to have an expression of interest process that might alleviate a need for a recruitment process.

His office has provided us with the following:

  • People will not be required to take part in selection processes if it is not necessary and the organisation will be looking to see how they can move people to the new structure in a way that is fair and minimises any undue stress.
  • The type of process they are currently looking at is an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) process where people can indicate their preference for a particular position. They would only look to use a recruitment process if they had more people expressing an interest than positions available or where there were vacant positions.
  • No decisions on the future structure of the risk reduction function will be made until the organisation has consulted on proposals for change with the NZPFU and its members. These proposals will not only include the proposed structure but also the proposed process for moving people into any new structure. We encourage everyone to read these proposals when they are published and we will be arranging opportunities to discuss them in order that we can provide feedback on behalf of our members. All feedback will be used to inform his final decisions on the future structure for risk reduction.

In unity,
Wattie Watson 
National Secretary

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