Last nights unprecedented weather event caused widespread havoc across the region with Fire and Emergency career and volunteer crews, operational support and 111 emergency dispatchers working to exhaustion, with all available FENZ resources at times being mobilised to incidents right across the region.
As water recedes the full extent of the damage will be revealed and daylight will no doubt uncover widespread devastation with many homes in numerous suburbs partially submerged.
We expect there will be Auckland-based members that will have significantly damaged homes and vehicles, and have had to leave their home and are unlikely to be able to return immediately.
- If you need urgent accommodation assistance phone the Auckland Council on 0800 22 22 00
- As a Civil Defence Emergency was declared last night there are Government support payments available.
- Go to https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/products/a-z-benefits/civil-defence-payment.html for information on the financial support that may be available for your circumstances and how to access it. With a state of emergency declared financial support is available for those that have to stay in temporary accommodation or need help with food, bedding or clothing.
Additionally if you find that you have been impacted by the flooding please contact the Auckland Local Executive via email (AucklandLocalExecutice@nzpfu.org.nz) outlining what the issues are along with any assistance requirements.
The Local will then be in a position to prioritise and organise assistance and potential working bees to members to help with any clean up if required.
Once the Local has an understanding of these issues and requirements, if necessary we will put a call out to all members asking for volunteers to form working bees to assist members.
If any Fire Stations have been impacted as to affect liveability please ensure District Management is made aware so that they can arrange the necessary repairs and take action, including relocating crews if necessary. Additionally please advise the Local Executive so that we can follow up progress.
Remember that flood waters will more than likely have been contaminated with waste water, so any fire station that was impacted will need to be properly decontaminated before it can be re-habited.
This will be an incredibly stressful time for some of our members and we ask that kindness and patience is afforded as we transition into the recovery stage of the emergency.
If any members have any other queries please contact one of your Local representatives.
In Unity,
NZPFU Auckland Local