Members will be aware from the Union’s previous Notice to Members No.5/2004 regarding Statutory Holidays payment and Days in Lieu entitlement that the Union is of the view that members are not being provided their proper entitlements that arise out of the Holidays Act 2003 commencing on 1 April.
The Union is pursuing all ways and means to ensure what we consider to be members’ proper entitlements being provided. The Union notes the many comments and proper concerns expressed by members on this matter.
To this end, the Union recommends, to ensure that members at the very least seek what we believe is their entitlement, a claim be submitted for all persons working over the following two forthcoming Statutory Holidays.
Good Friday
Any member on duty, whether normal rostered shift, or on additional overtime shift from midnight Thursday 8 April to midnight Friday 9 April i.e. Night Shift 8 April, Day Shift 9 April, Night Shift 9 April –
- Submit a claim at T1½ for all hours worked during this 24 hour period. This will be in addition to any other payments that are being claimed
on that day.
- Submit a request seeking your entitlement to an alternative holiday (Day in Lieu) for having worked on one of the abovementioned shifts.
Easter Monday
Any member on duty, whether normal rostered shift or on additional overtime shift from midnight Sunday 11 April to midnight 12 April i.e. Night Shift 11 April, Day Shift 12 April, Night Shift 12 April –
- Submit a claim at T1½ for all hours worked during this 24 hour period. This will be in addition to any other penal rate payments that are
being claimed on that day.
- Submit a request seeking your entitlement to an alternative holiday (Day in Lieu) for having worked on one of the abovementioned shifts.
With regards to the T1½ claim, this is detailed in Section 50 of the Holidays Act 2003.
Essentially any employee who is required to work on a Statutory Holiday is entitled to a claim at T1½ for any hours worked on that Statutory
Holiday. This T1½ payment is over and above and in addition to any other penal rate entitlement that is being claimed on that day e.g.
an employee who is on overtime on the Day Shift of Good Friday would claim an additional 10 hours at T1½ over and above that person’s normal
overtime claim. PTO
Pay Slips
Arising out of the Cost Containment Working Party, the Union and the Fire Service have agreed that the production and supply of printed pay slips will soon cease and be replaced by the provision of pay data through the Employee Kiosk.
This will deliver savings of approximately $30,000, comply with Collective Agreement provisions, and provide better security for this information than at present.
The Fire Service has agreed that proof of earnings can be provided from the Pay Office on request.