Members are advised that this Local strongly recommends that when they seek stand in’s i.e. jumps, that they only ask people employed under the Uniformed Operational Collective Agreement.

Members are advised that a member has obtained a stand in from someone employed on a non operational individual agreement (albeit formerly employed on our collective).

This practice must not be continued. Members should be only too well aware of the ramifications if this continues. For instance, where does it stop? Will the Nat Com be able to stand in for someone? Anyone from PDU who used to be operational. This could even be seen as the thinning of the wedge with regards to overtime replacement.

There are also obvious questions as to whether these people complete all the mandatory training that operational staff are required to attend that ensures our safety and ability on the fire ground.

Notwithstanding all of the above, the simple fact remains that if a person is not employed as an operational firefighter / officer, then they should not ride in any operational capacity on any paid fire appliance.

Change of Secretary’s details

Members’ attention is drawn to the Local Secretary’s address change and phone and fax number change as displayed at the top of this Notice.

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