Prior to the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union taking industrial action, there has been little or no involvement in any planning for operational staff, or any staff members for that matter, to have any involvement in the Rugby World Cup (RWC).

The Northern Branch would like to state there is NO resolution from the National Committee granting exemption to Locals regarding involvement in Rugby World Cup (RWC) activities. As such, there will be no involvement from Northern Branch members in it.

The position of the Northern Branch Committee is that NO member shall have any involvement in the RWC.

We would also state that Face book and other social media sites  NOT authorised by the NZPFU have no standing or association with the Union and as such, are only thoughts or opinions of those members of those sites. By having involvement with the RWC, you will be seen as scabbing on your mates and the Union. How do you think we will ever get a fair wage if this occurs? Therefore, the rumours are wrong. No exemptions have been granted.

This means that NO Northern Branch members are to have any involvement in on duty Rugby World Cup activities.


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