As you will be well aware by now, we have finally reached an agreed term of settlement in the negotiation for a new CEA. The NZPFU is recommending members accept it and ratify the settlement offer. The National Committee has completely wrung out the sponge for every possible drop of benefit to members, and it's now our turn to act.

I implore you to participate with the same passion that we showed when we made the historical decision to walk across the road, to force our employer back to the table that led to this offer. We must be present to have a say, no proxy voting is allowed.

Please make every effort to attend the meeting at Tauranga Fire Station at 5pm on Tuesday the 13th Dec.

Please be at the meeting 15 min prior to start to sign for your voting papers and bring a pen to vote. Secretary Wattie Watson and Vice President Joe Stanley will be present along with Northern Branch Officials to explain the offer in greater detail. 

Parking will be an issue on the day so please carpool where possible. Duty crews (Blue) will have to negotiate with the oncoming watch (Brown) as to the best time to jump either before or after the meeting. 

For all others, we could celebrate or commiserate, after we sign yes or no, at a yet to be decided venue should you wish to partake in the historic occasion.

You all have got us to this point with your unity and strength, let's get this finished and over the line.

Mike Swanson
Tauranga Local Secretary

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Please read to the end.