Ratification Ballot

The result of the Ratification Ballot is:

FOR 31

The proposed C.A. Settlement is therefore REJECTED.

The result of the Ballot for Industrial Action is:

FOR 1035
TOTAL 1195

The Ballot for Industrial action is therefore CARRIED.

From the Ratification meetings discussions, the preeminent reasons for the rejection of the Fire Service’s proposal was:

  • The inadequacy of the Pay Increase;
  • Opposition to Flexible Rostering.

Formal Notice of Industrial Action will be given to the Fire Service shortly and members advised of details.

Increase in Mileage Rate Reimbursement - A.A. Rates

The A.A. Reimbursement Mileage Rates (which the C.A. links to) have been adjusted for 2011. The new rates are: Operating costs per Km.

0 - 1500cc 1501 - 2000cc 2001 - 3500cc 3501cc+
52.7 cents 63.1 cents 78.1 cents 106.3 cents

The Fire Service has been advised and is in the process of implementing the changes.

Donating Shifts for Christchurch

Those who are still considering such a donation, please do this as soon as possible and notify your Area Manager and the Union.

The Fire Service has raised a late issue with the mechanism of donating – this is being addressed and will hopefully be resolved shortly.

Decontamination Corridor Use

Operational Instructions for the used of these Corridors have not yet been promulgated, but are in the process of being developed.

As per Fire Service Instructions, members are strongly advised not to use the Corridors in an operational situation until and unless satisfactory Operational Instructions are promulgated.

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