The Union has been advised that a serious breach of security occurred during the end of June, which allowed private details to be available to anyone accessing National
Headquarters G Drive on NHF2 from any Station computer.

Details that could be accessed for all persons on the Fire Service Payroll includeddetails of Bank Account numbers, payments and deductions made, going back 4 years.

The Union is also aware that access was made to this information by people who, when previous security measures were in place, would not have been able to access it.

The Union has expressed its serious concerns at this breach of privacy.

What is even more concerning is that this breach of privacy was not the result of a criminal act – e.g. hacking, but through the negligence of your employer.

Security of confidential information is an essential duty of any employer and the Union expects the Fire Service to take all steps to both investigate the cause of this breach,
and to take all steps to prevent a repetition.

As well, the Union expects any inquiry (and there must be one) to also consider the security of other personal details held on individuals by the Fire Service.        

The Union is also taking advice on the appropriateness of making a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner. A possible outcome of any such complaint made can include the
awarding of damages to individuals whose privacy has been breached.

Because details of your bank accounts are now no longer necessarily confidential, members must monitor their accounts closely and if concerned, contact your Bank
without delay. The Union hopes to post information concerning bank security on the website shortly.

Any member who accessed this payroll information should immediately contact the Union.

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