A discussion group will be formed shortly that will have representatives from the Local and Management.

The purpose of this group will be to further discuss decontamination issues, possible ways to enhance policy and procedure, and study any recent scientific research around the topic of post fire decontamination of firefighters. The end goal of the group will be to ensure the safety and well-being of firefighters.

Reducing exposure to carcinogen products is a significant concern for firefighters. Post fire decontamination, clean cab and shower within the hour are actions that have been introduced in recent years to reduce carcinogen and asbestos exposure. 

Applying water to decontaminate PPE and Breathing Apparatus sets at this time will reduce the asbestos and/or carcinogen hazard. Additional washing/scrubbing with a suitable detergent (Dragerwash) will further reduce carcinogen exposure hazard.

A trial is currently underway in Area 4 where Auckland City 2018 is responded to provide resources for post fire decontamination. Equipment carried includes a portaflex and high flow shower, scrubbing brushes, spray on Dragerwash to assist with washing B.A. sets, and SHEP forms. This resource supports operational crews by providing a consistent approach and modelling appropriate post fire decontamination for our firefighters and essential equipment.

This notice is intended to inform Officers that a trial is in progress in Area 4 and that the Auckland Local encourages any Officer in Areas 3, 4 and 5 at any carcinogen or asbestos exposure incident to request this resource if, in the OIC’s opinion, it would enhance post fire decontamination activities. Requests for this appliance should be made as early as possible to allow decontamination equipment to be set up prior to crews exiting the structure. Ideally, the decontamination will take place before Breathing Apparatus Masks are removed. 

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