Personal Grievances Filed On Behalf Of Fire Service Health & Safety Champions

The Union has filed with Mike Hall, Personal Grievances on behalf of S.S.Os who have received warnings for acting to protect their and their crews’ Health and Safety from the dangers of Diesel Fumes. The S.S.Os are:

  • Ian Anderson, Ben Pitelin (Dunedin)
  • Ian King, Rob Freeman, Graeme Hills (Palmerston North)
  • Graeme Gilroy, Peter Thwaites (Invercargill)
  • Lex Ferguson, Gary Parks. Martyn Bennett (Timaru)

In each case the remedy sought is:

  • Formal withdrawal of the warnings by Mike Hall – to include a formal apology.
  • Mike Hall’s attendance at Brigade meetings to confirm the withdrawal of the warning and to confirm his apology.
  • Compensation for hurt, humiliation, distress and stress.

Breakdown of Backpay Arising Out Of The 2009/10 Collective Agreement Settlement

Members have been previously advised that a component of the Settlement was the agreement from Fire Service negotiators to provide a full breakdown of the various Backpay components of the Settlement.

The Union had discussed how the Fire Service was to undertake this commitment and agreed to a format produced by Larry Cocker. However, before the information was sent out to members, the Fire Service reneged on its commitment and refused to send out the information.

Members are however entitled to this information both pursuant to the Official Information Act/Privacy Act and pursuant to the Collective Agreement Clause 1.17.3.

The Union therefore advises members that they should individually apply for their Backpay breakdown on the basis of the two criteria as above and they should apply directly to Mike Hall.

G.S.T. Increase And Union Fees

Union fees are in fact $16.00 a fortnight and have been held at that level for 13 years now. Members should note this fact and consider what other goods and services they use have had the cost frozen for 13 years.

The actual cost at present is $18.00 a fortnight with $2.00 earning GST forwarded to the government.

With GST increasing to 15% from 1 October, Union fees remain at $16.00 but the GST component is increased to $2.40, making a new total of $18.40 a fortnight.

(Such an increase when government charges increase is provided for in Rule 6.3.2).

Members should note therefore that of the $18.40 a fortnight cost ‐ $2.40 is GST and is therefore forwarded directly to the government.

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