Pay Review Working Party
The Joint Pay Review Working Party will recommence its work later this week. An update on the work will be provided to members as soon as possible after the meeting.
Officer Career Board
Management has, for some time now, been pursuing the concept of a Career Board for Officers - the purpose being essentially to allow Officers structured input their career aspirations and to receive feedback on those aspirations.
Management has finalised the proposal and there has been significant and proper consultation on the details of the proposal.
The Union understands that management are about to release the proposal and put it into effect.
In principle, the Union welcomes any development that both assists members in their career development and leads to the best person being promoted.
Like most things however, concerns/issues arise out of the detail.
The Union still has some doubts regarding the implementation of the Career Board, but the information management will put out does provide answers to the questions the Union posed.
The Union therefore will be monitoring the operation of the Career Board both closely and with interest, and would encourage members to provide the Union an account of their experiences with the Career Board.
On that basis, the Union sees members should make full use of the opportunities offered.