Pay Review

1. The Union’s National Committee has resolved to “Recommend the Settlement to Members for Ratification”.

2. Changes to the Proposal since Information Meetings:
QFFs with 15 years service in the rank as at 1 July 2013 since at least 1 July 1998, will receive recognition for their service as a QFF through a new service step at 95% of the SFF rate.(This is the new rate for a QFF with Part 1 of SFF TAPs).

3. Those employees who hold the rank of Firefighter as at 1 July 2013, and who were employed prior to 1 August 2012, will be grand-fathered on the following pay rates until such time as they attain the rank of SFF, or the total weekly rate of QFFs who have completed Part 1 of the SFF TAPs in the proposed pay structure exceeds $1045.49 (non-driver); $1059.03 (Grade 2); $1079.45 (Grade 1), whichever occurs first.  They are therefore grand-fathered onto the rates they expected to move to). 

(The reason for the August 2012 cut-off date is that people employed after that date are actually better off on the new rates. They will get the full benefit of the earlier increase once completion of the Part 1 of the QFF TAPs, and with likely market movement rates next year, over the next 3 years they will get more money than if staying on the previous rates).

4. SFFs who have been relieving up long term for at least 6 months, and within 2 years of their promotion, will have this service recognized as time for moving through the 5 year progression as a Station Officer.

5. In 2016 the overtime rates will move to T1.33 instead of T1.35 for Rates 1 and 2.

6. In 2017 overtime hourly rates will move to T1.35 instead of T1.4 for Rates 1 and 2, and for Officers, rates will increase to T1.35 instead of T1.4.

7. These are very small changes and the timetable still provides the fully T.1.5 of the true hourly rate for overtime as previously. (Details in the attached Record of Settlement.

8. Over the past 9 years (2004-2012) the following movements (averaged and annualised) have occurred:

  • Market rates for Job Size 13 (SFF) 3.0%
  • Market rates for Job Size 15 (SO) 3.18%
  • C.A. increases 2.64%
  • CPI movement 2.58%
    so if the Proposal (link to market rates) had been in operation since 2004 – 2012 -
  • SFF rates would have moved 30.48%
  • SO rates would have moved 32.54%
    compared with the actual amount of 25.76%

Members would therefore have been better off by between around 5-7% over a 9 year period. (Graphs attached).

9. If the Settlement was fully implemented in year one, the Settlement would transfer a total of $60 million into members’ pockets).

10. The proposed Settlement is for a 2 year term from 1 July 2013, with a wages review after 1 year (based on market data research).

11. Backpay to 1 July 2013 is grand-fathered if the proposal is ratified.

12. The Proposal not only deals with pay today, but provides a mechanism to deal with pay going into the future.

13. The details of the proposal are not set in concrete forever – there will still be bargaining on the expiry of future Agreements.

14. If this (first) step is not taken, we will all have little option but to return to operating as in the past.

15. Black Watch will receive an increase of 2.36%. as will allowances.

16. All Public Holidays worked as a normal rostered shift will be paid at the T1.5 rate in the pay day following the working of the Public Holiday. This is equivalent to around a 1.5 – 1.8% pay increase on its own. 

17. There is no loss of conditions.

It is particularly for these reasons that the Committee recommends the proposed Settlement for Ratification.

Qualified Firefighter Progression

The N.Z Fire Service and the N.Z.P.F.U. have met on a number of occasions to review the status of each firefighter whose progression to Qualified Firefighter has been delayed as a result of the industrial action undertaken in 2011 and early 2012, to determine whether there were factors other than the industrial action that had extended the delay in progression.

The outcome is that there will be some back-dating of progression dates for the vast majority of those firefighters impacted. The level of back-dating will vary depending on how much of the delay is attributable to the industrial action and how much is as a result of other factors.

None of the firefighters impacted will have further progression steps delayed. Providing that all other requirements for progression are met, these firefighters will be eligible for promotion to Senior Firefighter four years after their commencement date with NZFS.

1. Firefighters from Recruit Course HRCTP1007 - Commencement Date 5 July 2010
The original scheduled date for the 2nd practical of the Qualified Firefighter TAPS Programme was 24 February 2012. This course did not go ahead as a direct result of the industrial action, and none of the firefighters on this programme had completed their Workbook 4, 5 and 6 Assignments prior to 24 February 2012, which is a pre-requisite of the 2nd practical. Therefore the delay to completion of the programme was as a direct result of the industrial action. The industrial action lasted for a period of 8 months, however the 2nd practical was re-scheduled more than 8 months after its original date. There will only be an 8 month delay to progression for Firefighters from this recruit course, providing that they completed their consolidation within 4 months of when their 2nd practical did occur. This will mean that the progression date for all Firefighters from this course who completed their consolidation by 22 July 2013 will be backdated to 24 February 2013. 

2. Firefighters from Recruit Course HRCTP1009 - Commencement Date 27 September 2010
The original scheduled date for the 1st practical of the Qualified Firefighter TAPS Programme was 26 August 2011. This course did not go ahead as a direct result of the industrial action. Therefore the delay to completion of the programme was as a direct result of the industrial action. The industrial action lasted for a period of 8 months, however, the 1st practical was re-scheduled more than 8 months after its original date. There will only be an 8 month delay to progression for Firefighters from this recruit course, providing that they completed their consolidation within 4 months of when their 2nd practical did occur. This will mean that the progression date for all Firefighters from this course who complete their consolidation by 19 August 2013 will be backdated to 17 April 2013. 

3. Firefighters from Recruit Course HRCTP1102 - Commencement Date 28 February 2011
The original scheduled date for the 1st practical of the Qualified Firefighter TAPS Programme was 9 March 2013. This course did not go ahead as a direct result of the industrial action, which was only withdrawn on 26 February 2013. Therefore the delay to completion of the programme was as a direct result of the industrial action as the 1st practical had to be re-scheduled which had a flow on effect to the remainder of the programme. Providing firefighters complete their consolidation within 4 months of finishing their second practical, i.e. by 30 December 2013, their progression will only be delayed by the 8 months of the industrial action, and will be backdated to 1 October 2013. 

4. Firefighters from Recruit Course RCTPH1106 - Commencement Date 13 June 2011
The original scheduled date for the 1st practical of the Qualified Firefighter TAPS Programme was 22 June 2012. This was after the conclusion of the industrial action, therefore the delay was not as a result of the industrial action. Providing firefighters complete their consolidation within four months of finishing their second practical i.e. by 30 December 2013, their progression to Qualified Firefighter will be backdated to their 2-year anniversary date, being 13 June 2013. 

5. Firefighters from Recruit Course RCTPH1109 - Commencement Date 19 September 2011
The original scheduled date for the 1st practical of the Qualified Firefighter TAPS Programme was 21 September 2012. This was after the conclusion of the industrial action, therefore the delay was not as a result of the industrial action. Providing firefighters complete their consolidation within four months of finishing their second practical i.e. by 6 January 2014, their progression to Qualified Firefighter will be backdated to their 2-year anniversary date, being 19 September 2013. 

6. All will be eligible for promotion to SFF four years after starting as a Trainee Firefighter, subject to their having completed the SFF TAPs Programme. This progression is now further impacted beyond QFF.

Individual letters will be prepared by the NZFS to each of the individuals from the above recruit courses, confirming the decisions that have been taken and providing details on when remuneration changes as a result of any backdating can be expected to occur.

Breathing Apparatus

Members should note that the training offered by the Fire Service in regard to B.A. minor maintenance, gas suits etc. leading to certification is entirely voluntary – as it always has been. 

If you are not happy with the conditions surrounding being certified and consequently undertaking the work along the lines of the previous B.A. Technicians, then you do not have to do it.


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