NZPFU Sweatshirt Design Winner

We have not just one – but two designs!

We were thrilled with the entries in the NZPFU sweatshirt design competition and it was a tough decision. 

The winning design was created by Wellington Local member Noel Wellington from with the axe design proving hugely popular among the judges.  

The standard of designs warranted a second place which was awarded to Christchurch Local member Eric Pepperell. 

The designs have had to be tweaked for production but will be based on the two designs and provide two options for NZPFU members to select from. 

The sweatshirts are under production now and we hope to be able to offer them to members (at a discounted rate) shortly.

The National Committee would like to thank everyone who participated but unfortunately we cannot incorporate all the designs.  We appreciate the thought that went into the designs and the effort made. All were designed to a high standard.

In unity,
National Secretary

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