The NZPFU National Elections for President and Vice President will be held electronically with the ballot opening at 0900 on 1 July 2021 and will close at 1700 29 July 2021.

Every NZPFU financial member will receive an email to vote via their FENZ email address with a unique link to the ballot paper.  This link cannot be passed on or used to vote more than once.

If you wish to change the email to receive the link to the ballot please email BEFORE 1 July 2021 with the preferred email address. 

Please see attached a FAQ on the electronic voting process.

  1. Only NZPFU financial members will receive the email to vote in the election for the NZPFU President and Vice President.  Every financial member has an unique identifier for security and confidentiality purposes.  It is a secret ballot process.  We will not be able to see how you voted.
  2. The email with the link to the vote will be sent out at 0900 on 1 July 2021. The security system ensures the link can only be used once to vote.
  3. The ballot closes at 1700 on 29 July 2021.
  4. Every week the electronic system will send a reminder email to those that are yet to vote.
  5. If you have any issues with the link or voting please contact  I am then notified as National Returning Officer.
  6. The National Returning Officer and scrutineers will be able to check the accuracy of the counting of the votes but cannot link the member with their vote.  This is the same as the usual vote counting process where we check the number of votes with the votes counted but do not know the identity of those that filled in the ballot.

We will email this notice out to all financial and Life members today.  If you wish to change your voting email please email BEFORE 1 July 2021 with the preferred email address. 

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Returning Officer


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Please read to the end.