NZPFU subject matter experts are meeting today and tomorrow to develop the NZPFU’s response to FENZ’s aerial appliance strategy proposal and discussion document.

It is the intention of this group to develop a comprehensive submission on the aerial approach including response to the specific questions posed by FENZ.

This submission will be the NZPFU position and will be distributed to Locals so that there is no confusion and no contradiction.

We understand that in some areas FENZ management have shoulder-tapped Officers and firefighters to provide a response.  It is important that any response is consistent with the NZPFU submission.

We appreciate the knowledge, experience and input of others in the field of aerial appliances but ask that you forward your views and information to your Local or to one of the below representatives so that it can be considered for inclusion in the NZPFU approach and submission.  The Auckland Local has requested input from members back to their Local which is an effective way to ensure we consider all views but have a comprehensive submission to present to FENZ.  It is not too late to put forward your views or documentation to the relevant NZPFU representative or SME.

The NZPFU SME’s are: 

Central Branch Vice President Peter Harwood
Northern Branch Secretary Martin Campbell
Southern Branch Vice President Mark Leonard
Wellington Local President Clarke Townsley
Auckland Local President Sulu Devoe
Auckland Local Committee member Terry Bird
Auckland Local Committee member Adam Wright
Wellington Local Committee member Shaun Crowley
Christchurch Local President Aaron McKay
Alan Osbourne (Hamilton)
Steve Gallagher (Christchurch)

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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Please read to the end.