The Auckland Local has been working hard to support our members that have been significantly affected by the weekend’s unprecedented storm and may well be facing more damage as the weather event persists this week. We understand that the extent of the damage and the long-term implications will not be realised until all properties have been assessed.
Members will need support in a number of practicable ways and we expect those needs to change as time goes on.
The Christchurch Local has extensive experience in the types of issues members face been very supportive. Vice President Shane O’Brien met virtually with relevant Auckland Local representatives this morning to discuss the likely issues and types of support that will be needed for those who have significant damage to their homes and those whose homes have been condemned. In the past FENZ has provided much needed practicable support for personnel significantly affected from natural disasters including the Christchurch earthquake. We have drawn on those examples and experiences to seek support for Auckland-based members from assistance with the massive clean-up to be done through to situations where homes are condemned or where support is needed while homes are repaired.
Post that meeting a NZPFU national/Auckland Local joint communique was sent to FENZ CEO Kerry Gregory and National Commander Russell Wood seeking targeted and practical support from FENZ.
The National Commander is meeting with the Auckland Local Secretary and President tomorrow where they will strongly advocate for the assistance sought. The Auckland Local will be seeking answers on the plans to manage damaged stations and fire appliances.
Naturally our members will be slow to come forward on the basis that there is always someone worse off than them. Don’t struggle on your own. If we can find the right help for you we will.
1. Remember the NZPFU membership works in a range of roles at FENZ and any assistance sought is being sought across the membership
regardless of role or position.
2. Please let the Auckland Local know if you need support.
That support can be practicable assistance for cleaning up, some support to find appropriate alternative accommodation or welfare
support. We can also direct you the various central and local government support networks including assistance available through
- Jeff Shrimpton and Adam Wright will be coordinating the support needed.
- Your personal information will be kept confidential.
3. There will be a myriad of insurance policies and hurdles for members.
- Please do not assume that your policy has the same provisions as others just because you have the same provider.
- The Christchurch Local can support Auckland members with generalised information on the types of issues and fish-hooks you might encounter. This will not be advice and will not be a review of your specific policy. It will be an opportunity to understand some of the general insurance issues that arise. Christchurch Local Vice President Shane O’Brien has agreed to coordinate that support. He can be contacted via shane.obrien@nzpfu.org.nz.
We will keep members updated on the response from FENZ and provide any information comes to hand.
In unity
Wattie Watson
National Secretary
Martin Campbell
Auckland Local Secretary