Members of the N.Z.F.S. Associated Agencies have received enquiries from people asking where they could deposit money to help S.F.F. Troy Mahupuku who received burns to his arms and back – approximately 30% of his body, at a factory fire in Petone on 23rd August 2013.

The revitalized A.A. Group together has agreed to place onto their websites and Firenet, a Bank Account Number into which those persons who wish, can make a donation for Troy.

All money deposited will be passed on to Troy.

The N.Z.P.F.U. has a Bank Account just for this sort of event and all have agreed to use this account for Troy. The Account is 01-0542-0140032-03 N.Z. Professional Firefighters NZ. Trust Fund.

On behalf of The N.Z. Fire Service, N.Z.P.F.U., N.Z.F.F. Welfare Society, N.Z.F.F. Credit Union, N.Z. FireSuper Scheme, F.S. Sports Council, U.F.B.A. Executive Officers’ Society, Christchurch Emergency Services Credit Union, and the P.S.A.

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