From 3 June 2024 FENZ will pay the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums direct for NZPFU members whose substantive positions are covered by the collective employment agreement.

Protect rep (Gary Robb) is coming over to ensure FENZ is ready for the changeover. We are taking this opportunity to hold 3 information sessions; these can be joined in person or via Teams. Further information is available via the link below.

So you now want to join the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance?

3 Teams invitations will be sent out following this notice via email, if you or another eligible member do not receive an invite, please contact a Wellington Local Committee Member ASAP.

Thursday 16th May 0900-1030 meeting at Wellington City Station with the following appliances

  •  WELL211
  • ⁠THOR231
  • BROO257
  • NEWT221/225

Kilbirnie and Karori can join online.

Thursday 16th May 1300-1430 meeting at Johnsonville Station with the following appliances

  • JOHN287
  • PORI311
  • THOR235

Porirua 317 crew & Paraparaumu can join online.

Thursday 16th May 1830-1930 meeting at Avalon Station with the following appliances

  • AVAL414
  • HUTT407
  • SEAV421 

 Trentham and Remutaka can join online.

Off duty staff can attend any of these meetings in person or online

On duty crews must only attend their assigned meeting. 

Apologies for the short notice, any issues please contact a Wellington Local Committee Rep.

In Unity
Carlos Dempsey
Wellington Local President/Central Fire Communications NZPFU Rep

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