Members are reminded that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, Local Annual General Meetings should, where possible, be scheduled for the month of August.

This is the Local's opportunity to put together remits for the Union Conference, Life Honorary Memberships and discuss General Business for your Local issues.

National Secretary Watson has requested that remits presented at AGM’s for Conference be about Union policy and the operation of the Union. They must be well worded, clear in the intention and not present unintended consequences.

It is not necessary for the remits from your Local to include issues for changes to the Collective Agreement as the Union will be seeking issues and claims from Locals prior to commencing bargaining next year. This will produce a log of claims setting out all the NZPFU claims for new terms and conditions and for any changes to the current Collective.

The Northern Branch Executive (President Jeff Shrimpton, Vice-President James Hall and Secretary Martin Campbell), will attend as many of the Local AGM’s as possible, introducing themselves to the Local members, and listening to the Local issues discussed.

With Union rules stating that 20% of the Local membership must attend to form a quorum, it is imperative to make sure as many members as possible are made aware of the AGM and make a commitment to attend.

If you have any queries for the Branch feel free to contact one of the Northern Branch Executive.

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