Further to Newsletter No. 43 – 18 November

1. V.S.Os and F.S.Os should have been approached by management to have discussions around the specifics of new employment arrangements – if this has not occurred or agreement unable to be reached, please contact your Branch Representatives and the Union will raise this with Fire Service management.

2. Trainers The immediate problem for Trainers is that the person specific employment arrangements need to be discussed with ‐ Regional Coordinators – are themselves part of the Restructure process. The Union appreciates and so does Fire Service management, the difficulties that this causes and the Union has followed this up, but for the past few days (principally because of Janine Hearn’s being away sick) the Union has not got any further definitive response.

However, the Union will continue pursue the necessity of a time extension.

3. The Union understands that further meetings are planned by the restructuring team and the Union recommends that affected members attend these meetings and raise/discuss any of your concerns.


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By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.