Members will be aware that there is currently a new transfer process under trial throughout Areas 3, 4 and 5.

Area’s 3 and 5 progressed without any issues, however, at the recent Local AGM concerns were raised about the process around Area 4.

It is acknowledged that information included in the transfer notices could have been better, along with clearer explanations of how the new procedures apply. These recommendations will be taken by the Local to the next meeting with the Area Personnel Managers.

Shortly, the next phase of the trial will begin involving the movement of staff BETWEEN Areas. This will involve Management advertising positions that have not been filled by internal movements.

Now that the internal movement phase of staff has been completed, those members that wish to move Areas will soon be asked to complete a Fire Fighter Application to Transfer form, for stations that are OUTSIDE of their current Area. This is for both Firefighter AND Officer positions, and will be for positions that are listed in the notice. Members that wish to transfer should apply to the Business Administration person from that respective Area. [NOTE - This process will be for external transfers only between Areas, not internal ones. ]

The process will be conducted as per the current transfers process, and staff will be selected on basis of the criteria laid down in the current Vacancies and Notifications Policy. The successful applicant will be offered a position at that station, with the final decision of accepting the transfer up to the member.

As this transfer process is still under trial, it is to be expected that issues may occasionally arise that need to be addressed or clarified. That is why a Local Representative has been assigned to sit in on the process with FENZ Management.

It should be noted that the trial transfer procedure was promulgated to all members via a Union Notice to Members. If you didn’t receive a copy of this notice please ensure that your correct personal details, including home email and mobile number, are sent to the Wellington NZPFU Office, This will allow Union notices to be sent directly to your home email addresses, and a text notification can also be made alerting you when a new notice is issued.

If you have any questions on this or any other issue, please contact one of your Local Committee Representatives.

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