Remits and Life Honorary Membership Nominations successfully passed at the 2019 Auckland Local AGM held 3 September 2019 at the College Rifles Rugby Football Club, 33 Haast Street, Remuera.
As Local Secretary of the Auckland Local, I certify that the following Remits and Life Honorary Membership nominations were successfully passed at our
current AGM for consideration at the November 2019 NZPFU Annual Conference.
Remit 1:
“That a rule change be proposed, asking that the Committee size for Local Committees be increased.”
Specifically, amendments to the following Union Rules would be required:
Rule B. Up to 12 Committee Members [change 10 to 12]
Rule B.7.4.2 The number of Local Committee Members to be elected shall be a minimum of 3 – being the Local President, Vice-President and Secretary – and a maximum of 15. Each Local shall decide, at a Local meeting prior to the elections, how many Committee Members are required and the Local Secretary shall notify the appropriate Branch Returning Officer [change 13 to 15].
Proposed: Martin Campbell
Seconded: Dave Phillips
Carried Unanimously
Remit 4:
“That the NZPFU push for a change in Superannuation Policy to 6% on gross taxable earnings, including overtime and allowances such as IFE, PCA or any other taxable earnings”.
Proposed: Gavin Brain
Seconded: Conrad Pentecost
Carried Unanimously
Remit 5:
“That a change in the CEA is made to ensure that travel time is paid at overtime rates.”
Proposed: Gavin Brain
Seconded: Theo Brain
Carried Unanimously
Remit 6:
“Change in Union Rules to reflect that in order to hold a Union Official position, a member must be in a position covered by the CEA.”
Proposed: Dave Phillips
Seconded: Rodney Janes
Carried - Majority
Remit 7:
“A Local Committee is able to apportion discretionary control of the funds contributed by the members from that Local.”
Proposed: John Waldow
Seconded: Ian Richards
Carried Unanimously
[Note:Remits 2 and 3 failed to pass and therefore have not been included for consideration]
Life Honorary Membership Nominations (bios to be forwarded).
Ron Henderson
Proposed : Martin Campbell
Seconded: Ian Richards
Carried Unanimously
Mike McEnaney
Proposed : Ali Rodgers
Seconded: Ian Richards
Carried - Majority