NZPFU members who work in regional training roles are being advised by FENZ of a review of the selection processes for the positions filled during the recent People Branch Reset.

FENZ are refusing to consult, provide any information they have received which has allegedly driven their desire to hold this review, or the detail on how the review will be conducted.   FENZ appears to be very selective and secretive on what it is considering and why.  Their refusal to properly engage with the NZPFU raises the question of the purpose of the review and whether they have a pre-determined desired outcome.

Appointment processes and notifications of vacancies are enshrined within the collective agreement and cannot be changed in content or intention without agreement by the Union.

For all the above reasons it is not in the interests of members to engage in the review of the processes for the training appointments.

We urge members to take notice of this advice.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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