The purpose of this notice is to make members within the Branch aware of the meeting timetable for ratification meetings.

Tuesday 23 June
1000hrs: Taupo Station

Wednesday 24 June
1000hrs: Rotorua Station
1300hrs: NTC - Black Watch
1500hrs: NTC - Part 2 staff

Thursday 25 June
0830hrs: Kawerau Station
1300hrs: Tauranga Station

Friday 26 June
0900hrs: Hamilton Station
1330hrs: Northern Communications Centre Auckland

Monday 29 June
1000hrs: Whangarei Station

Tuesday 30 June
1100hrs: Auckland Black Watch - Regional Office Conference Room

Wednesday 1 July
0930hrs: Papatoetoe Station
1130hrs: Avondale Station
1330hrs: Albany Station

Thursday 2 July
1000hrs: Albany Station
1200hrs: Avondale Station
1400hrs: Papatoetoe Station

We ask that if you are aware of any members who are on leave, could you please bring this notice to their attention. If members have any questions prior to their meeting, please feel free to contact either Mike Powell (027) 242 8150 or Boyd Raines (021) 899 108.

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