Please post this notice on union notice boards and make all members are aware that nominations are called, and the elections are overseen by the Returning Officer as set out below.

In accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters’ Union, nominations are called for the positions of:

Nelson Local  Vice-President
Nelson Local Committee members (up to 10 Committee member positions)

What do Local Officials and Local Committee members do?

Please see attached an outline of the duties of the Local Secretary, President and Vice President.  The Local Officials are responsible for building relationships to raise and resolve issues affecting the Local and notifying the National office of issues that are or may be national matters, or where support and assistance is needed.

It is important that the Local Officials are also supported with a Local Committee.   Local Committee members attend and participate in Local meetings and, depending on the size of the Local, may be assigned a specific Local portfolio depending on skill set and interests, or represent the Union as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in working parties and projects. 

The National Union communicates with Local Officials primarily by phone and video conference to update and inform Locals of key issues and events, and to canvass the Local’s view or current circumstances.  The National Union also provides support as needed including representation for members with individual matters.

How do I nominate for a Local Official or Committee position?

A copy of the Nomination Form to be used and the NZPFU Charter is attached and is also available on the NZPFU website under Resources, files for download.

Completed nomination forms must be received by the Branch Returning Officer by 5pm on 6TH OCTOBER 2022.  No late nominations will be accepted.

Please forward all nominations to the Southern Branch Returning Officer:

  • All nomination must include the completed attached nomination form with Candidate, Proposer and Seconder details and the Candidate agreeing to abide by the NZPFU Charter.
  • The Nominee, Proposer and Seconder must be current financial members of the NZPFU.
  • The nominee/candidate may provide a biography with their nomination form.  The biography must not exceed one side of an A4 sheet of paper and may include a photograph or artwork.  The biography will be published to members prior to voting.

Completed nomination forms can be emailed, hand delivered or posted to the Branch Returning Officer. 

  • Email: richardhurst-long@hotmail.co.nz
  • Postal address (Ensure you allow sufficient time for delivery by the closing date and time): 301 Estuary Road, South Brighton, Christchurch 8062

Yours sincerely,

Richard Hurst-Long
Southern Branch Returning Officer

Mobile: 021 266 8712
Email: richardhurst-long@hotmail.co.nz

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