Today, the Union met with Regional Commander Butt and ARFM Binning over what we thought, was to discuss the introduction of the Mercedes Bronto Type 5 appliance to Parnell station, and what we had been advised, was the proposal to continue with the Aerialscope in Auckland City until the replacement Type 6 appliance, as promised by the CEO/NC, arrived ,or until such time as this appliance became unserviceable.
This turned out not to be the case, and FRM Butt was only interested in discussing the formal dispute commenced by the Auckland Local, over the forcing of our members to attend a course that they had advised management that they did not wish to attend.
No solution to this impasse was reached, and this afternoon the Union has lodged a request for a hearing, with the Department of Labour Mediation Service. We are awaiting a date and time for this hearing. This action means that the peace obligation is in force, and the course must not go ahead.
The Union has also advised FRM Butt, that we do not consider the Mercedes Bronto to be safe, as it has failed the New Zealand Electrical Warrant of Fitness, and members are hereby directed not to ride, train or use this appliance in any way, prior to it being issued with an Electrical Warrant of Fitness, to the satisfaction of the fire service electrical contractor, who failed it originally, and the NZPFU.
We are led believe that the proposed Train the Trainers course has been postponed, and the Union would like to thank those members at Parnell station who have withdrawn from the course, despite pressure to attend from Fire Service senior management.
Members are thanked for their co-operation in this matter.