We are still seeing occasions of pumps disengaging when the primer is operated. This is not acceptable.

Users are advised to perform daily checks on the pump including activating the primer to ensure that it does not cause the pump to disengage.

If the pump disengages, contact the service provider without delay to remedy this fault.

Send a courtesy email to terry.bird@fireandemergency.nz so that we have overview across our Local.

Availability of Relief Appliances

Members need to be aware there is a contingency plan to use Type 3 appliances from existing fleet in Areas 3, 4, and 5 when no relief appliances are available.

Recommended procedure:

  1. The appliance you are using or accepting has faults that require repair.
  2. You are advised that there are no relief appliances available.
  3. Contact the FENZ On-call Executive and advise them of the problem.
  4. The FENZ On-call Executive will find a suitable Type 3 appliance.

Do not accept appliances with faults.  They can lead to significant failures.

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NTM Regarding Travel Time Payments for Training

You need to know that FENZ is refusing to reimburse travel time, to the Auckland Region Training Centre, at the increased rate all other travel has been paid since March 2021.

Serious Concerns About State of Emergency Response Fleet

The Auckland Local has serious concerns about the current and ongoing state of the frontline fleet of fire trucks, rescue tenders, aerial ladder trucks and support vehicles throughout Auckland. 

Auckland Local EoY update

Please read to the end.