Joint NZPFU PSA Notice: Tranche 2B

FENZ has now distributed their “re-consultation” documentation which impacts on the number and configuration of CFF and RR positions.

Significant changes from the September 2019 consultation document are:

  • No longer establishing 16 proposed positions of District Community Readiness and Recovery Manager and District Risk Reduction Manager in the larger districts but would have a combined CRM role instead.  This reduces the proposal by 9 such management positions
  • Now capping the number of Senior Advisor positions instead of providing for progression of Advisors to Senior Advisory roles provided they met the criteria.
  • Reducing the overall number of CRR and RR proposed positions of 148 to 130 FTE.

The NZPFU and PSA have met to discuss these proposed changes and the impact on the roles, workloads and implications for redeployment.

The NZPFU and PSA representatives will be meeting with FENZ on the 3oth June and 1st July 2020 to discuss all matters covered in the “re-consultation” document, and to negotiate the terms and conditions for the proposed new positions.

In preparation of those discussions all members are asked to review the “re-consultation” document and provide your feedback to your union.   You may also have views on the terms and conditions of employment that should be included.  We attach for you the full “re-consultation” document. 

Members are reminded that FENZ’s processes for disestablishment of roles and appointment to new roles are being challenged by the NZPFU case before the Employment Court.

We remind members that as key issues including the number, configuration, scope and terms and conditions of these proposed roles are yet to be determined, it is not in your interests to participate in the “expression of interest” process.

You will not be disadvantaged by not notifying of your preferences or intentions regarding your employment at this stage.

We will keep members informed.

In unity,

Wattie Watson
NZPFU National Secretary

Keith McFadyen
PSA National Organiser

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Please read to the end.