1. Notice of Strike Action applying for South Island members has been issued to commence 0800 hours on 30 July 2009 and concluding at 0800 hours on 6 August 2009.

    The Strike Action is as detailed in Newsletter No.17.

  2. The Union has written to the Executive Officer’s Society seeking their assistance in advising their members to do nothing to impede or obstruct NZPFU members undertaking legitimate strike action.

  3. The advice promulgated under Mike Hall’s name requiring manual records to be kept so that computer records can be updated on completion of strike action is both mischievous and incorrect.

    “Catch-up” work on completion of a period of strike action will not occur. Therefore, the keeping of any manual records would be completely pointless.

    This principle is well established and has been accepted by Fire Service management in the past.

    Similarly, there is to be no accessing of information from computer systems prior to strike action commencing so as to maintain manual records.

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