Holidays Act

The Union has a date – Thursday 10 June – for mediation with the Fire Service concerning the Union’s contention that as a result of the new legislation, Days in Lieu for working Public Holidays are not correctly provided for.

The Union does not believe the Fire Service has met its Collective Agreement requirement “to demonstrate compliance with the intent and entitlements of the new legislation”.

If mediation is not successful, the Union will be seeking to have the matter removed directly to the Employment Court.

Queen’s Birthday

Queens Birthday – 7 June – is a prescribed Statutory Holiday and is subject to the same arrangements regarding Days in Lieu and payment rates as all other Statutory Holidays. The Union therefore repeats its advice as regards Anzac Day as in NTM No.9/2004.

  • Any member on duty, whether normal rostered shift or on additional overtime shift from midnight Sunday 6 June to midnight Monday 7 June i.e. Night Shift 6 June, Day Shift 7 June and Night Shift 7 June –
    a) Submit a claim at T1½ for all hours worked during this 24 hour period. This will be in addition to any other payments that are being claimed on that day.
    b) Submit a request seeking your entitlement to an alternative holiday (Day in Lieu) for having worked on one of the abovementioned shifts.

Website Update

The Union has received a large number of complimentary comments regarding the refurbished Website. Soon after going live, the Home Page attracted a visitor every 7 mins, 24-hours every day. There have been just under 3,000 hits since then, peaking at 626 visitors in the second week. 96% of visitors reside in New Zealand, with a following of Australians who make up 3%.

As at the time of writing, 1,741 people are subscribed to the NZPFU News & Announcement List.

Members are reminded to also subscribe online to the Breaking News txt-msg alert service where you'll be informed of any new development on your cell phone as they occur. This service is totally free!

Members should also take advantage of the Members Service Directory (you’ll find this on the Resources Page). Past and current members are able to list goods or services that may benefit other members. These are listed in a comprehensive national directory of member services.

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