NZPFU members, locals and national representatives can finally relax as the ratification of the collective agreement also resolves the industrial action.
The unity and solidarity of the Union brought us the settlement and all can be proud in the result and hopefully all can feel more relaxed and able to enjoy this time of the year.
Our thoughts are with our members rostered on throughout the holiday period as they and their families continue to make sacrifices to ensure the community is appropriately protected. We hope that in between shifts there is an opportunity to have a break and enjoy the summer fun from time to time.
We also think of those that cannot be with family and friends, those that are missing loved ones for a variety of reasons and families with ongoing struggles and challenges. We hope there is some joy at this time.
- The NZPFU offices are closed from the 23rd December until the 9th January 2023.
- Please only contact your Local or National reps or NZPFU staff if the matter is urgent during that period. We request that you first text the representative with the nature of the request so that they can determine the best time to respond. If you need urgent assistance please ask, particularly if you need mental health and wellbeing support.
We want to thank each and every one of you for the work undertaken for the benefit of the collective. The work of the Local and National reps is often unseen and this year in particular has been massive. NCOM spent hundreds of hours travelling and meeting while maintaining their usual representation and Local work. Nothing would have been achieved without NCOM’s unity and commitment to the membership, striving to make the most of every decision and working as a cohesive strategic group. We also thank Jaron Phillips our webmaster who has essentially devoted the past 6 months to the campaign and was available without exaggeration 24/7. We also appreciate the work of our staff Jono, Bonnie and Anne for all their work for the membership including unusual hours at times to get the job done.
I would personally like to thank the National President Ian Wright and National Vice President Joseph Stanley for their leadership and endless time for the Union. Under their leadership we have reached a level of solidarity that is not often enjoyed by unions. Joseph needs a special mention surviving all 10 days and 26 ratification meetings with me including many hours in the same car as me!
We are very cognisant of the sacrifices the families of our members make to ensure they can undertake their service and that time away from home is magnified when undertaking union work. We cannot thank them enough and without their support we would not be able make the progress we have made this year.
To each and every one of you – I wish you a very merry, relaxing and safe festive season.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary