The Union is aware that the Fire Service has released a Notice Initiating Bargaining by the P.S.A. for some Fire Service employees.
The Notice has a coverage clause of:
“Non operational/support staff, VSO, Fire Safety and Training Officers:
- Administrative and office staff;
- Management positions not covered elsewhere.
(The Union has no issue with the latter two categories).
Our Collective Agreement is quite specific in its coverage of F.S.O., V.S.O. and Training Officers that come from an operational background.
As well, the Union has a significant number of particularly V.S.Os and Training Officers who do not have an operational background as members, and
many of these are in effect covered by the Collective Agreement – by way of a mirror agreement.
The Union and the P.S.A. – assisted by the C.T.U. – have discussed the PSA’s proposed coverage clause.
As a consequence, a Protocol has been developed regarding the coverage claimed by the P.S.A., which significantly narrows the PSA’s initially claimed
The Protocol envisages coverage of those persons who are:
- Members of the P.S.A. at 15 February 2006
- From a non-operational background.
The names of the persons to be covered, as at 15 February 2006, will be included in the P.S.A. Collective Agreement and will also be annexed to the Protocol
once the qualification period (15 February 2006) has lapsed and the full group is known.
The Union, at the last negotiations to renew the Collective Agreement, dealt with some issues that are specific to Black Watch Support Staff.
Clause was inserted to allow flexibility on hours of work for planned work outside of Black Watch hours – i.e. providing for time in lieu.
The Union intends to further this concept at the re-negotiations in the middle of this year, and develop a specific section for Black Watch Support
Staff – along the lines of what
currently exists for Comm. Centre staff.
This will provide a full package of conditions of employment relating to Black Watch Support Staff.
As well, the Union has continued to discuss with the Fire Service the applicability of the P.C.A. to Fire Safety and VSOs (the situation of Training
Officers is clear). This
discussion has been both on a collective and individual basis.
The Fire Service has agreed to discuss this further with the Union before the next payment for the P.C.A. allowance (late April) and develop more detailed
advice on the
criteria to apply.
If any members have questions or seek clarification on the P.S.A. Bargaining Notice, please contact the Union immediately.