Fire Safety Officers

Further to Union Notice No. 10 – 12 June 2008. 

The Union has now received the re-drafted Discussion Document and this may be read on the Union’s Website.

Two initial related objections are immediately apparent:

  • The proposal to change the Title of the position from Fire Safety Officer to Fire Risk Management Adviser; and
  • Providing that operational Fire Service experience is a desirable qualification or experience rather than essential.

The changes above seriously suggest an intention to civilianise these roles and significantly downplay the need for an operational background.

This is contrary to the underpinning principles of TAPs

As far as the Job Title is concerned, the Fire Safety Officer Title is clearly provided for in the Collective Agreement and consequently cannot be changed without Union agreement.

The Union further notes the intention of the Fire Service to hold regional meetings of Fire Safety staff on 1 July. As these are in normal working time, members will be required to attend.

A principal purpose of these meetings is to gain reaction and feedback on the proposals, i.e. the meetings will, after the event, be considered consultation with Fire Safety staff.

All attending these meetings need to be very conscious of the previous Focus Groups in the early 990s. This was nothing more than a dishonest sham consultation that provided a completely distorted view of membership opinion. Only selected and then refined information was purported as the outcome of the Focus Groups.

After the Focus Groups, the Union was constantly told that membership opinion obtained through a process of direct consultation with individuals was in favour of the proposal. This was a complete lie.

Consequently, members are strongly recommended not to provide reaction and feedback at these 1 July meetings, or subsequently directly back to the Fire Service.

Members must direct any reaction or feedback back to the Union. The Union will then take these on a collective basis to Fire Service management.

If you do direct any reaction or feedback on an individual basis to the Fire Service, the Union believes in all probability, those comments will be distorted and misrepresented.

The Union therefore looks forward to receipt of comments and reaction from affected members.


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