The NZPFU has been notified that Stations and Districts are being asked to provide information on the numbers of those that use the gyms, safety standards and rating on equipment on gear not supplied by FENZ and any concerns or observations.

Members are advised that it is not in their interests to participate as we do not know the purpose of this review or how the information will be used.

FENZ has not come to the NZPFU to discuss this request or reason for it.  If FENZ is genuinely concerned with the health and safety of our members using gyms, and will not be using that information for any purposes now or in the future, we can discuss the appropriate way in which to ascertain relevant information.

The email requesting a review of the station gyms come with a list of questions and claims the request has come from the Board and “will include data on injuries sustained in the gym and while undertaking personal training” to be shared at the Board’s March meeting.  If correct it is extraordinary that the Board is looking into such detail as the use and management of station gyms which is not a governance matter.  

We can think that the only reason the Board would be interested in specific details such as the use of the gyms is the gathering of information to impose changes to the resourcing of the gyms.  If that is the case we are deeply concerned that this is an underhand way of gathering information to reduce resourcing of the station gyms which are a necessary part of the health and safety regime of firefighters, and fitness training is part of the daily routine as provided for in the collective agreement.

We have written to the CEO, but he was unable to respond before taking leave.


Without consultation or engagement, FENZ has had non-operational staff develop a Lines Rescue Future Capability Plan that is based on a flawed premise of station location rather than the most effective and efficient response of trained and equipped resources. 

The location of a station does not necessarily determine who can deploy the fastest and fails to recognise that career firefighters are highly trained in Lines Rescue and available 24/7 to respond within their communities and beyond.  Lines rescue requires intense training and career stations spend hundreds of hours training on the specialist capability.

The Plan wrongly relies on data of incidents that came in as lines rescue only and therefore has not captured incidents such as vehicle crashes, medicals involving lift assist and attempted suicide, animal rescues, etc where lines capability was needed, but the incident was not recorded as a lines rescue.

The proposal has resulted in absurd recommendations including one to remove Lines capability from a career station that had hundreds of hours training and responding, had a Level 4 instructor on Station and at least one Level 3 instructor on every watch,  to a volunteer brigade.  Even with the best intentions of that brigade that would have resulted in the highly trained career firefighters wating 60 minutes (at best) for the lines rescue equipment to arrive on incident.

Fortunately we managed to get a sensible outcome.

However, Locals and members where there is Lines Rescue capability to be vigilant in assessing any proposal to remove that capability from their station or response.  Please let the Union know if there are other such proposals including where changes will be detriment to the response to the community.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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