The Union has become aware that the Auckland Regional Manager has directed the Auckland Region CFO’s and DCFO’s to order their staff to desist from faxing the ‘Daily Summary of Pay Claims’ to the Pay Office in Wellington.

The Union believes that this is a deliberate attempt to intimidate Union members into accepting a system of recording hours of work and payment about which the Union has, on numerous occasions, expressed strong reservations.

Members may well be aware that this system only records hours of work worked when on shift. This enables the chosen few to work additional hours, which are not recorded against them, either to comply with the hours of work policy, or to enable the required equitable allocation of overtime for all Union members of the same rank.

The Union is well aware that the facility to enable this type of overtime to be recorded is available, but that certain individuals within the HR Department are refusing to allow it to be enabled for reasons known only to them.

The Union will be taking up both the intimidation of staff and the refusal to enable the system which equitably records members, and more importantly non-members work hours, with Regional Manager Butt in the very near future.

In the interim period, officers are advised that if they are at all unsure of the SMS system or their ability to use it properly, they must ensure that their staff are paid their full contractual entitlements and continue to fax claims to the Pay Office in Wellington.
Any failure to ensure the correct payment of staff cannot be allowed and Officers are reminded of their obligations to their own staff in this regard.
To do otherwise would be deemed to be inappropriate.

For any further information or queries on this, please contact

Jeff McCulloch 027 271 5325
Boyd Raines 021 899 108
Athol Conway 021 792 331
Phil Beech 021 171 3906

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