The Union has become aware that the Type 5 Bronto, as commissioned in the Wellington Local, has the same electrical faults as the one that the Auckland Regional Manager is trying to commission in Auckland.
The Type 5 Bronto in Wellington has been in commission for approximately a year, and the Fire Service has, apparently, been aware that it did not comply with the New Zealand Electrical Warrant of Fitness requirements, but still chose to have it in commission and not advise our members of the dangers inherent in the electrical faults.
This is obviously a very serious breach of the Health and Safety in Employment Act and the Wellington Local is pursuing this matter further. The Auckland Local fully supports the Wellington Local in their attempts to have some accountability from the Fire Service Senior Management for their disgraceful behaviour in this regard. We are preparing to approach the Occupational Health and Safety branch of the Department of Labour because of the hazardous situation that the employer has placed members in, but chooses to ignore.
It is very likely that as the first and third Bronto Type 5’s delivered have electrical safety issues, that the second one delivered and assigned to Christchurch will also have these issues. The Auckland Local has already advised both Wellington and Christchurch Locals of our concerns.
As this issue first raised its head when the first Type 4 at Papatoetoe was delivered, the Auckland Local has grave concerns that all the other Type 4 Brontos will have the same electrical safety issues, and advises members throughout the country to check who issued the Electrical Warrant of Fitness to their vehicles and demand that they have another electrical inspection.
The Auckland Regional Manager has admitted that the Type 5 recently delivered to Auckland had been issued with an Electrical Warrant of Fitness, but defects were found by the Auckland contracted Electrical Engineer, which caused the Auckland Local to take the action is has in “blacking” the vehicle until such time as both the Auckland Local and the Electrical Engineer are satisfied the faults have been rectified and an Electrical Warrant of Fitness has been issued, correctly this time.
The Auckland Local will be checking the Electrical Warrant of Fitness that has been issued to the Type 4 destined for Ellerslie Station, and in the meantime advises members not to use this vehicle because of the possible danger from the electrical faults that are most likely present in this vehicle also.