The following nominations have been received for the position of President

  • Mike Powell
  • Boyd Raines
  • Joe Stanley
  • Ian Wright

The following nominations have been received for the position of Vice President

  • Graeme Gilroy (Norm)
  • Mike Powell
  • John Waldow
  • Joe Stanley
  • Ian Wright

Biographies are attached for those who supplied them.

As there are members standing for both positons, the Election for President will be undertaken first.

There is a complication however.

The Committee is currently dealing with a Disciplinary matter pursuant to Rule 34.

John Waldow on behalf of the Auckland committee distributed false and defamatory accusations about Ian Wright – a Candidate in these Elections.

The Union Committee Resolved that these false accusations be withdrawn and an apology be made.

This Resolution from the Committee has not been complied with. To wilfully ignore such a Resolution is an offense under the Disciplinary Rule (34).

The false and defamatory Notice can be seen as an improper interference in the Election process and unfair to one of the Candidates. Until this Disciplinary process is completed, there is no alternative but to put the Elections on hold.

New Member On The Union Committee

As a result of the long delayed Election for the Northern Branch President and the declaration that Jeff Shrimpton is the new Branch President, Jeff now becomes a member of the National Committee – so congratulations to Jeff.

FENZ - Integration

The Union has raised its concerns regarding both the depth and breadth of topics that require consultation arising out of Integration.

Documents, often 100 pages or more arrive virtually every day on topics such as:

  • Operating Model
  • Uniform
  • Command and Control
  • Health Standards
  • Expansion of Health/Psychological Services
  • Local Advisory Committees
  • Risk Reduction, Enforcement Procedures

As well, usual business continues including:

  • Type 3 Appliances
  • Establishment Review
  • Recruitment

The Union is addressing significant staffing shortfalls in Fire Safety/Risk Resolution and there is an acknowledgment from the top in FENZ that Resource shortfall (including Personnel is unacceptable – leading to unacceptable workloads.


A further Bargaining meeting will be held next week at which a finalised Terms of Settlement will be agreed to be put out to members in a Ratification process.


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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.