Vaccination policy review
The NZPFU has been pushing FENZ to review its vaccination policy in light of recent developments. Recently the Public Service Commission notified state sector employers to review vaccination policy to assess its necessity and effectiveness for the purpose of which it was intended. That advice followed two High Court cases that determined specific Police and Defence vaccination requirements were not enforceable, and that the Government was required to review policy to ensure it was necessary for the purpose it was intended. The Government has also declared Cabinet was considering changes to the traffic light system and are expected to start peeling back vaccination-only restrictions. A Government announcement stepping out changes and timeframes is expected tomorrow.
The NZPFU and FENZ will be meeting on Thursday to review the FENZ-imposed policy as to its necessity and effectiveness in the current climate of high vaccination levels and widespread community transmission.
That review will not affect the Health Order mandate. However, the NZPFU is strongly of the view that it should enable genuine consideration of alternative duties for those that are captured by the Health Order mandates.
COVID19 cases and boosters
The Ministry of Health guidelines advise waiting three months for a booster shot for those that have tested positive for Covid19.
Members covered by the Health Order that are required to have a booster shot within 183 days of the second vaccination now provides that the worker can continue in their role until the deadline for the booster shot. However, those that have tested positive after the second vaccination and before their booster deadline are now advised to wait three months before having the booster. In those circumstances FENZ has agreed to seek a temporary medical exemption so that they can continue to work having had two vaccinations and recovered with Covid-19.
For NZPFU members in this situation please notify your Manager that FENZ will need to apply for a temporary medical exemption. All District Managers and Group Managers were sent the process last week which includes the below form which has to be completed and sent to the HR Manager for the Region.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary