We have NZPFU members with views across the spectrum on the issue of the Covid-19 vaccination programme. Some have made their decision, some are still looking for answers.
We have organised a Q and A session for those with questions to be answered.
Professor Rod Jackson teaches epidemiology and evidence-based medicine at Auckland University. Professor Jackson has kindly offered his time
to answer questions from our members on the Covid-19 vaccination programme and the Pfizer (Comirnaty) mRNA vaccination. He is medically
trained (in NZ) and has over 40 years’ experience in epidemiology and public health. He has been a professor of epidemiology at the
University of Auckland for over 20 years. For the last 25 years he has also taught courses on how to interpret evidence at the
University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
We will hold a closed virtual meeting with Professor Jackson where he will answer the pre-provided questions. It will not be live streamed. We decided it was too difficult to maintain confidentiality if we had a live meeting with questions, or recorded a meeting with members asking their questions directly. We will record the meeting and then email the link to members and post the link on NZPFU social media platforms. This is an opportunity for those still seeking information about the Covid-19 vaccination. We ask that those that participate do so in the spirit it is offered - to ask questions seeking to hear Professor Jackson’s response. We understand this opportunity will not suit everyone.
Want to participate? Ask a question!
Please send your questions to webmaster@nzpfu.org.nz by 4pm this Friday 22 October.
- Your email address and identity will be kept confidential unless you specifically request otherwise.
- The purpose of collecting the prepared questions is so we can ensure we get all issues covered and answered, and also enables Professor Jackson to prepare further information if necessary.
We will then video a closed session with Professor Jackson where we put your questions for him to answer. We will post that video on the NZPFU website and social media platforms on Thursday 28 October.
We will give you more information on the distribution of the Q and A video next week.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary