The NZPFU advises all members not to use the QSI masks and instead to only use the 3M masks issued.
In 2020, the Ministry of Health was alerted to issues with the QSi duckbill masks as they do not protect others from the person wearing the mask, and are not fit for purpose including face-fitting issues. FENZ is releasing the attached notice this evening with instructions to send back the QSi masks and instead to use the 3M masks. It is the NZPFU position that the distributed QSi masks do not meet the required standard and are not fit for purpose, regardless of the year on the packaging.
Members are advised to only wear the 3M Aura masks.
The NZPFU is holding a Locals and NCOM teleconference at noon tomorrow to update on this issue and provide more detailed information.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary