COVID-19 Update

As of midday (Wednesday 12 August) Auckland will be under Covid-19 National Level 3 restrictions with the rest of country under Covid-19 National Level 2 restrictions.

The restrictions are initially in place for three days and any change to the Levels will be dependent on investigations into the 4 Auckland cases and if any other community transmissions are detected.

Shortly after the Government announcement FENZ National Commander Kerry Gregory confirmed to the NZPFU that FENZ Service Delivery Preventative Protection Protocols for the Level 3 for Auckland and Level 2 for the rest of the country will be re-implemented for the midday deadline.  This documentation is available on the FENZ portal and the National Commander expects to have a national notice released mid-morning. 

The NZPFU National Committee and Covid-19 representatives met by telephone conference about 10pm to discuss the key issues and ensure that the Auckland Local was well supported to be able to institute the station bubble system and other necessary changes in accordance with the SDPPP Level 3 protocol quickly.

We will have a telephone conference with the National Committee,  Local representatives and our Covid-19 representatives tomorrow afternoon. 

We will keep members informed of developments.

In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary

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Please read to the end.