Members will, by now, have seen a request from Auckland Regional Management for members to submit comments and suggestions on the above document.
Members are reminded that the Auckland Local Committee are your elected representatives and, as such, have drafted a submission on this subject to the Auckland Regional Manager.
You are requested NOT to make any submissions on this proposal, to either Region or District Management, as we do not believe it will be in any member’s interest to do so. We believe that any suggestion that suits Management’s purpose will be seized upon and stated to be the opinion of the majority.
If members wish to make submissions on this subject they are requested to send them either direct to the Northern Branch/Auckland Local Office at PO Box 303 235, North Harbour, or preferably, direct to one of the Auckland Local Committee.
The Auckland Local will then incorporate any valid suggestions direct to Region in any further submission we may wish to make.
The representatives of the Auckland Local are planning to hold face to face meetings with Regional Management on the proposed restructure.
The Auckland Local submission will be available in the near future on the NZPFU website